What is a Cheese Ball?
If you have never heard of a cheese ball then you have been missing out. This is a decadent treat that can be used as an appetizer or snack. It is also great to share for gatherings. Rada Cutlery makes it simple to make a cheese ball with their easy to follow recipes. All you have to do is choose one our three delicious cheese ball flavors: Jalapeno, Tuscan Herb or Sweet Hot Pepper Jelly. Then add cream cheese, form into a ball and coat with the topping that is included with your Rada Cutlery Quick Mix. Serve with crackers or pita and enjoy!

The Best Cheeseballs
Cheeseballs are the perfect dish to share at a party. We have three different delicious cheeseballs to choose from the Sweet Hot Pepper Jelly, the Jalapeno and the Tuscan Herb cheeseball. These are great with crackers, pita and toast.